Sumptuous Annuals
Following on from our tulip spring bedding scheme, we plant about 800 annuals in the South Garden once the bulbs have been removed at the end of May. From July onwards, the abundantly flowering annuals greatly enhance the display of roses and herbaceous perennials well into the autumn.

Our tried and tested annuals cocktail includes creeping echiums for the front of the border, with shorter cosmos behind, slightly taller nicotiana and zinnia planted about 40 cm into the bed as well as tall cleomes for the back.
Our annuals cocktail: Echium vulgare ‘Blue Bedder’ and ‘White Bedder’, Cosmos sonata ‘Carmine’ and ‘White’, Zinnia elegans ‘Purple Prince’, Nicotiana alata ‘Lime Green’, Cleome spinosa ‘White Queen’ and Cleome spinosa ‘Violet Queen’.